Ancestors of the Lennart and Roslind Glover Pearson Family

Ancestors of the Lennart and Roslind Glover Pearson Family

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My favorite story about Lorentz Pearson or "To Error is Human"

Back row:  Esther, LILLIAN, Clarence, Roy,  Clara and LENNART EDWIN  Front row:  Kenneth, Father Lorentz, Milo, Mother Ellen and Stella

This story is about Lillian, the second child in the Lorentz and Ellen family.  Incidentally, our grandfather Lennart Edwin was the oldest.  When Lillian was a young lady she was dating a man, who was a neighbor, named Neil Livingston Gardner Jr. He went by the nickname Liv.  He was seven years older than Lilly and for some reason Lorentz, her father, didn't want her dating him.  He asked her to break it off and being an obedient and dutiful daughter she unhappily did as her father asked. In 1905 at age 29, when her sister Stella had a baby in Eureka, Utah, she went to help and the midwife taught her how to take care of newborn babies and their mothers.  Lilly then started to go out nursing and became very popular as a nurse.  She even came to Idaho Falls to help when Grandmother Rose, Lennart's wife, had an operation and the children had diphtheria. 
    One day she came to dinner with her parents and in the words of Aunt Goldie her father teased her mildly for never having married. Lilly said, indignantly that he remember well why she had not married since he had withheld his consent to her accepting the proposal of a young man who had asked him for her hand in marriage.  She then rose from the table and left the room.  Her mother said, "You shouldn't have done that, Pa."
     Liv, in the meantime had gotten married and had 5 children and life went on.  Then when Liv was 52 years old his wife died and he came and courted Lillian.  They were married in December 1921 and Lillian was 45 years old.  So in her older age she married the love of her life and mothered his children and grandchildren.  She was married for 23 years when Liv passed away.  A sad-sweet tale.

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